SPT-3G is a millimeter-wavelength receiver currently observing until 2023 on the South Pole Telescope.
Physicist in the High Energy Physics Division at Argonne National Laboratory
CASE Scientist in the Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics at the University of Chicago
I'm an experimental cosmologist who builds instruments to measure the cosmic microwave background and explore the evolution of the universe.
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SPT-3G is a millimeter-wavelength receiver currently observing until 2023 on the South Pole Telescope.
CMB-S4 will be the ultimate ground-based cosmic microwave background experiment with over 500,000 superconducting detectors installed on telescopes both at the South Pole and in Chile. It will start taking data in the late 2020s.
It was decommissioned in late 2016.
APEX-SZ was decomissioned in 2010.
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